
There are two important UX design features that help application users read and better understand application-related controls and events: a recognizable font and standard terminology. To make the text legible and easy to understand, you must select the shape, size, and color of the text font, as well as the application background color. In addtion, the use of appropriate graphic design will also enhance text legibility.

Note: By default, Tizen displays text from left to right. However, certain languages, such as Arabic, are displayed from right to left.

Using action-related labels consistently in your application will keep the user experience consistent. We recommend the following terms:

  • New: Use this for creating a new item, such as a "New memo" or "New alarm".
  • End: Use this for exiting the application.
  • Share: Use this when sending a message.

We also recommend using a positive tone tone of voice for any messaging or labels in your application. Avoid using emphatic words or words with negative connotations.

Table: Phrasing for general actions

Avoid Prefer
Cannot complete request Unable to complete request
Network failed Network unavailable
Synchronization started Synchronizing…
Organizer not accessible Organizer is unavailable

  Never use messaging that blames users or makes them feel at fault. Instead, your language and tone should support the user's view of the device as an extension of themselves. If there is a problem in performing a task, use messaging that downplays the user's role in the situation.

Table: Phrasing for task-related user actions

Avoid Prefer
You have reached the maximum number of folders Maximum number of folders reached
You need to check for adding recipients Select recipients

  Always bear in mind that it takes time for a user to read text. Since important text messages are shown to the user at points where user interaction is interrupted (e.g., in a pop-up, information or warning note, or dialog box), you should keep your messages short, to the point and comprehensible. If your application messages are too long to be displayed in a single line, apply the following principles:

  • Reduce the font size but make sure you stay within the limitations of the Tizen UI guidelines.
  • If the message length increases after language translation, you can use appropriate abbreviations for the translated language. Always have a language expert verify your translations.
  • To adjust the message length within a fixed space, you can cut the start, middle or end of a sentence and replace it with an ellipsis ('…'). However, you should only use this approach in exceptional circumstances.