Hello, I am currently trying to establish a connection via GATT with Android and Tizen on a watch 3, and everything seems to be working correctly, and I can see the service on nRF app, but I cannot see the value nor notify when I press the button on the watch.
I cannot find a way to see connected clients from the server side, and I cannot notify with null, as it throws an exception.
Error thrown:
Here is the code of the Server running on Tizen watch:
using System.Text; using Xamarin.Forms; using Tizen.Network.Bluetooth; using Tizen.Wearable.CircularUI.Forms; using Tizen.NUI; using System; namespace TizenWearableApp1 { public class App : Application { BluetoothGattServer m_GattServer; private BluetoothGattService m_GattService; BluetoothLeAdvertiser m_Advertiser; BluetoothLeAdvertiseData m_AdvertiseData; BluetoothGattCharacteristic m_CharcTX; BluetoothLeDevice m_Device; Button b; const string SERVICE_UUID = "6E400001-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E"; // UART service UUID const string CHARAC_UUID_RX = "6E400002-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E"; const string CHARAC_UUID_TX = "6E400003-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E"; public App() { b = new Button(); b.Clicked += OnClick; b.Text = "Set Charc Val"; // The root page of your application MainPage = new CirclePage { Content = new StackLayout { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, Children = { b } } }; } private void OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { test++; //byte[] descriptorValue = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(test.ToString()); IntDataType intType = IntDataType.UnsignedInt8; b.Text = m_GattService.GetCharacteristic(CHARAC_UUID_RX).GetValue(0).ToString(); m_GattService.GetCharacteristic(CHARAC_UUID_TX).SetValue(intType, test, 1); m_GattServer.SendNotification(m_GattService.GetCharacteristic(CHARAC_UUID_TX), null); } public void bt_onoff_operation() { /// Launch the Bluetooth activation settings to allow the user to enable Bluetooth Tizen.Applications.AppControl myAppControl = new Tizen.Applications.AppControl(); myAppControl.Operation = Tizen.Applications.AppControlOperations.SettingBluetoothEnable; Tizen.Applications.AppControl.SendLaunchRequest(myAppControl); } protected override void OnStart() { BluetoothAdapter.DiscoveryStateChanged += DiscoveryChanged; BluetoothAdapter.NameChanged += NameChanged; BluetoothAdapter.ScanResultChanged += ScanChanged; BluetoothAdapter.StateChanged += StateChanged; BluetoothAdapter.VisibilityDurationChanged += VisibilityChanged; BluetoothAdapter.VisibilityModeChanged += VisibilityModeChanged; BluetoothAdapter.Name = "ArielTESTTT"; m_GattServer = BluetoothGattServer.CreateServer(); m_GattServer.NotificationSent += GattNotificationSent; m_GattService = new BluetoothGattService(SERVICE_UUID, BluetoothGattServiceType.Secondary); byte[] characteristicValue = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("test1"); byte[] characteristic2Value = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("test1"); byte[] descriptorValue = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("test2"); m_CharcTX = new BluetoothGattCharacteristic(CHARAC_UUID_TX, BluetoothGattPermission.Read, BluetoothGattProperty.Notify, characteristicValue); m_CharcTX.SetValue("test1"); m_CharcTX.ReadRequested += ReadRequested; m_CharcTX.WriteRequested += WriteRequested; BluetoothGattDescriptor desc = new BluetoothGattDescriptor("2902", BluetoothGattPermission.Read, descriptorValue); desc.SetValue("test1"); m_CharcTX.AddDescriptor(desc); m_CharcTX.Value = characteristicValue; m_CharcTX.WriteType = BluetoothGattWriteType.NoResponse; m_GattService.AddCharacteristic(m_CharcTX); m_GattService.GetCharacteristic(CHARAC_UUID_TX).NotificationStateChanged += NotificationStateChanged; m_GattServer.RegisterGattService(m_GattService); m_GattServer.Start(); StartBLEAdvertise(); } /// Register for GATT connection event handler public static void GattClient_ConnectionStateChanged(object sender, GattConnectionStateChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.Result != (int)BluetoothError.None) { } else if (!e.RemoteAddress.Equals("")) { } else if (e.IsConnected.Equals(false)) { } else { } } private void NotificationStateChanged(object sender, NotificationStateChangedEventArg e) { int a = 0; } private void WriteRequested(object sender, WriteRequestedEventArgs e) { m_CharcTX.Value = e.Value; } private void GattNotificationSent(object sender, NotificationSentEventArg e) { int a = 0; } private void VisibilityModeChanged(object sender, VisibilityModeChangedEventArgs e) { int a = 0; } private void VisibilityChanged(object sender, VisibilityDurationChangedEventArgs e) { int a = 0; } private void StateChanged(object sender, StateChangedEventArgs e) { int a = 0; } private void ScanChanged(object sender, AdapterLeScanResultChangedEventArgs e) { int a = 0; } private void NameChanged(object sender, NameChangedEventArgs e) { int a = 0; } int test = 0; private void ReadRequested(object sender, ReadRequestedEventArgs e) { test++; byte[] descriptorValue = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(test.ToString()); m_CharcTX.Value = descriptorValue; int a = 0; } private void StartBLEAdvertise() { AddAdvertiseData(); BluetoothAvrcp avrcp; m_Advertiser = BluetoothAdapter.GetBluetoothLeAdvertiser(); m_Advertiser.AdvertisingStateChanged += AdvertisingStateChanged; m_Advertiser.StartAdvertising(m_AdvertiseData); } private void AdvertisingStateChanged(object sender, AdvertisingStateChangedEventArgs e) { int a = 0; //throw new NotImplementedException(); } void AddAdvertiseData() { m_AdvertiseData = new BluetoothLeAdvertiseData(); // Add appearance m_AdvertiseData.PacketType = BluetoothLePacketType.BluetoothLeAdvertisingPacket; m_AdvertiseData.Appearance = 192; /// Add device name m_AdvertiseData.IncludeDeviceName = true; /// Add TX power level m_AdvertiseData.IncludeTxPowerLevel = false; /// Add manufacturer data ManufacturerData manufData = new ManufacturerData(); manufData.Data = new byte[5] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05 }; manufData.Id = 117; manufData.DataLength = 5; m_AdvertiseData.AddAdvertisingManufacturerData(BluetoothLePacketType.BluetoothLeScanResponsePacket, manufData); /// Add service solicitation UUID string serviceSolicitationUuid = "180d"; m_AdvertiseData.AddAdvertisingServiceSolicitationUuid(BluetoothLePacketType.BluetoothLeScanResponsePacket, serviceSolicitationUuid); /// Add service UUID string serviceUuid = "1805"; m_AdvertiseData.AddAdvertisingServiceUuid(BluetoothLePacketType.BluetoothLeScanResponsePacket, serviceUuid); /// Add service data BluetoothServiceData serviceData = new BluetoothServiceData(); serviceData.Uuid = "1805"; serviceData.DataLength = 3; serviceData.Data = new byte[3] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 }; m_AdvertiseData.AddAdvertisingServiceData(BluetoothLePacketType.BluetoothLeScanResponsePacket, serviceData); m_AdvertiseData.AdvertisingConnectable = true; } private void DiscoveryChanged(object sender, DiscoveryStateChangedEventArgs e) { e.DeviceFound.CreateBond(); e.DeviceFound.CreateSocket("test"); } private void EventHandlerStateChanged(object sender, StateChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.BTState == BluetoothState.Enabled) { StartBLEAdvertise(); } else { bt_onoff_operation(); } } protected override void OnSleep() { // Handle when your app sleeps } protected override void OnResume() { // Handle when your app resumes } } }