
Cannot Install Native App. Development (CLI)

On Windows 10, using the Tizen Studio Package Manager, I am attempting to install the 3.0 Wearable, Native App. Development (CLI), but it fails to install. I looked through the logs and found the file it is trying to download, //usa.sdk-dl.tizen.org/sdk/tizenstudio/official/binary/WEARABLE-3.0-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI_0.0.22_windows-64.zip. I downloaded it with a browser and opened the zip file. It contains two files, changelog, and pkginfo.manifest, and a folder named data with nothing in it. Any ideas what I should try next?


8 回复
Armaan-Ul- Islam

I installed the WEARABLE-2.3.1 CLI package from Ubuntu. Sharing my Procedure, may help you or throw you some hint.


Native application development environment is generally not set up with default installer. Developer has to update the CLI using package-manager-cli located on <tizen-studio dir>/package-manager.  'show-pkgs' command is used to display package information.

$ export PATH=$PATH:~/tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin
$ tizen version
Tizen CLI 1.4.19

$ cd ~/tizen-studio/package-manager
tizen-studio/package-manager$ ./package-manager-cli.bin show-pkgs

Status    Package Name                            	Package Version	Component Name      
u    	MOBILE-3.0                              	0.0.22         	3.0 Mobile          
u    	MOBILE-3.0-Emulator                     	0.0.22         	Emulator            
u    	MOBILE-3.0-NativeAppDevelopment         	0.0.22         	Native app. development (IDE)
u    	MOBILE-3.0-WebAppDevelopment            	0.0.22         	Web app. development (IDE)
ni   	AdvancedMOBILE-3.0                      	0.0.0          	Advanced            
u    	MOBILE-3.0-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI     	0.0.22         	Native app. development (CLI)
u    	MOBILE-3.0-WebFramework-TAU-CLI         	0.0.22         	TAU (CLI)           
u    	MOBILE-3.0-WebFramework-TAU             	0.0.22         	TAU (IDE)           
u    	MOBILE-3.0-WebAppDevelopment-CLI        	0.0.22         	Web app. development (CLI)
u    	WEARABLE-3.0                            	0.0.22         	3.0 Wearable        
u    	WEARABLE-3.0-Emulator                   	0.0.22         	Emulator            
u    	WEARABLE-3.0-NativeAppDevelopment       	0.0.22         	Native app. development (IDE)
u    	WEARABLE-3.0-WebAppDevelopment          	0.0.22         	Web app. development (IDE)
ni   	AdvancedWEARABLE-3.0                    	0.0.0          	Advanced            
u    	WEARABLE-3.0-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI   	0.0.22         	Native app. development (CLI)
u    	WEARABLE-3.0-WebFramework-TAU-CLI       	0.0.22         	TAU (CLI)           
u    	WEARABLE-3.0-WebFramework-TAU           	0.0.22         	TAU (IDE)           
u    	WEARABLE-3.0-WebAppDevelopment-CLI      	0.0.22         	Web app. development (CLI)
u    	MOBILE-2.4                              	2.4.81         	2.4 Mobile          
u    	MOBILE-2.4-Emulator                     	2.4.81         	Emulator            
u    	MOBILE-2.4-NativeAppDevelopment         	2.4.81         	Native app. development (IDE)
u    	MOBILE-2.4-WebAppDevelopment            	2.4.81         	Web app. development (IDE)
ni   	AdvancedMOBILE-2.4                      	0.0.0          	Advanced            
u    	MOBILE-2.4-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI     	2.4.81         	Native app. development (CLI)
u    	MOBILE-2.4-WebFramework-TAU-CLI         	2.4.81         	TAU (CLI)           
u    	MOBILE-2.4-WebFramework-TAU             	2.4.81         	TAU (IDE)           
u    	MOBILE-2.4-WebAppDevelopment-CLI        	2.4.81         	Web app. development (CLI)
u    	WEARABLE-2.3.2                          	0.0.10         	2.3.2 Wearable      
u    	WEARABLE-2.3.2-Emulator                 	0.0.10         	Emulator            
u    	WEARABLE-2.3.2-NativeAppDevelopment     	0.0.10         	Native app. development (IDE)
u    	WEARABLE-2.3.2-WebAppDevelopment        	0.0.10         	Web app. development (IDE)
ni   	AdvancedWEARABLE-2.3.2                  	0.0.0          	Advanced            
u    	WEARABLE-2.3.2-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI 	0.0.10         	Native app. development (CLI)
u    	WEARABLE-2.3.2-WebFramework-TAU-CLI     	0.0.10         	TAU (CLI)           
u    	WEARABLE-2.3.2-WebFramework-TAU         	0.0.10         	TAU (IDE)           
u    	WEARABLE-2.3.2-WebAppDevelopment-CLI    	0.0.10         	Web app. development (CLI)
u    	MOBILE-2.3.1                            	2.3.21         	2.3.1 Mobile        
u    	MOBILE-2.3.1-Emulator                   	2.3.21         	Emulator            
u    	MOBILE-2.3.1-NativeAppDevelopment       	2.3.21         	Native app. development (IDE)
u    	MOBILE-2.3.1-WebAppDevelopment          	2.3.21         	Web app. development (IDE)
ni   	AdvancedMOBILE-2.3.1                    	0.0.0          	Advanced            
u    	MOBILE-2.3.1-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI   	2.3.21         	Native app. development (CLI)
u    	MOBILE-2.3.1-WebFramework-TAU-CLI       	2.3.21         	TAU (CLI)           
u    	MOBILE-2.3.1-WebFramework-TAU           	2.3.21         	TAU (IDE)           
u    	MOBILE-2.3.1-WebAppDevelopment-CLI      	2.3.21         	Web app. development (CLI)
u    	WEARABLE-2.3.1                          	2.3.21         	2.3.1 Wearable      
u    	WEARABLE-2.3.1-Emulator                 	2.3.21         	Emulator            
u    	WEARABLE-2.3.1-NativeAppDevelopment     	2.3.21         	Native app. development (IDE)
u    	WEARABLE-2.3.1-WebAppDevelopment        	2.3.21         	Web app. development (IDE)
ni   	AdvancedWEARABLE-2.3.1                  	0.0.0          	Advanced            
u    	WEARABLE-2.3.1-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI 	2.3.21         	Native app. development (CLI)
u    	WEARABLE-2.3.1-WebFramework-TAU-CLI     	2.3.21         	TAU (CLI)           
u    	WEARABLE-2.3.1-WebFramework-TAU         	2.3.21         	TAU (IDE)           
u    	WEARABLE-2.3.1-WebAppDevelopment-CLI    	2.3.21         	Web app. development (CLI)
u    	MOBILE-2.3                              	2.4.48         	2.3 Mobile          
ni   	MOBILE-2.3-Emulator                     	2.4.48         	Emulator            
ni   	MOBILE-2.3-NativeAppDevelopment         	2.4.48         	Native app. development (IDE)
u    	MOBILE-2.3-WebAppDevelopment            	2.4.48         	Web app. development (IDE)
ni   	AdvancedMOBILE-2.3                      	0.0.0          	Advanced            
ni   	MOBILE-2.3-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI     	2.4.48         	Native app. development (CLI)
ni   	MOBILE-2.3-WebFramework-TAU-CLI         	2.4.48         	TAU (CLI)           
ni   	MOBILE-2.3-WebFramework-TAU             	2.4.48         	TAU (IDE)           
u    	MOBILE-2.3-WebAppDevelopment-CLI        	2.4.48         	Web app. development (CLI)
u    	WEARABLE-2.3                            	2.4.48         	2.3 Wearable        
u    	WEARABLE-2.3-Emulator                   	2.4.48         	Emulator            
u    	WEARABLE-2.3-WebAppDevelopment          	2.4.48         	Web app. development (IDE)
ni   	AdvancedWEARABLE-2.3                    	0.0.0          	Advanced            
u    	WEARABLE-2.3-WebFramework-TAU-CLI       	2.4.48         	TAU (CLI)           
u    	WEARABLE-2.3-WebFramework-TAU           	2.4.48         	TAU (IDE)           
u    	WEARABLE-2.3-WebAppDevelopment-CLI      	2.4.48         	Web app. development (CLI)
u    	TOOLS                                   	2.4.95         	Tizen SDK tools     
ni   	Baseline-SDK                            	2.4.95         	Baseline SDK        
ni   	Certificate-Manager                     	2.4.95         	Certificate Manager 
ni   	Device-Manager                          	2.4.95         	Device Manager      
u    	Emulator                                	2.4.95         	Emulator manager    
u    	NativeCLI                               	2.4.95         	Native CLI          
u    	NativeIDE                               	2.4.95         	Native IDE          
u    	NativeToolchain                         	2.4.95         	Native toolchain    
u    	NativeToolchain-Gcc-4.6                 	2.4.95         	Gcc 4.6 toolchain   
u    	NativeToolchain-Gcc-4.9                 	2.4.95         	Gcc 4.9 toolchain   
u    	PlatformIDE                             	2.4.95         	Platform IDE        
u    	WebCLI                                  	2.4.95         	Web CLI             
u    	WebIDE                                  	2.4.95         	Web IDE             
ni   	RT-SDK-TOOLS                            	2.4.95         	RT SDK tools        
ni   	RT-IDE                                  	2.4.95         	RT IDE              
ni   	EXTRAS                                  	0.0.0          	Extras              
u    	TV-3.0-samsung-public                   	2.5.55         	TV Extensions-3.0   
u    	TV-3.0-samsung-public-Emulator          	2.5.55         	Emulator            
u    	TV-3.0-samsung-public-WebAppDevelopment 	2.5.55         	Web app. development
u    	cert-add-on                             	2.0.12         	Samsung Certificate Extension
i    	tizen-wearable-extension                	1.2.6          	Samsung Wearable Extension
u    	TV-samsung-extension-tools              	2.5.55         	TV Extensions Tools 
i    	TV-samsung-legacy-resources             	2.5.55         	Repair (optional)   
u    	TV-samsung-extension-resources          	2.5.55         	Web app. tools      
ni   	DEPRECATED                              	0.0.0          	Deprecated          
i    	TV-2.4-samsung-public                   	2.5.13         	Samsung TV extensions (public)
i    	TV-2.4-samsung-public-Emulator          	2.5.13         	Emulator            
i    	TV-2.4-samsung-public-WebAppDevelopment 	2.5.13         	Web app. development

Then the install command: Minimum:

    install package-name --accept-license -p password

tizen-studio/package-manager$ ./package-manager-cli.bin install WEARABLE-3.0-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI --accept-license 
-p ******
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Michael Beam

Thanks Armaan. I'm getting pretty much the same results from the command line:

./package-manager-cli.bin install WEARABLE-3.0-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI --accept-license -p *****
Package Manager (0.3.43)

******* Start to update packages *******
Nothing to update.

****** Start to install packages *******
Under packages will be installed.
     * WEARABLE-3.0-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI
0% [----------------------------------------] 100 %
   [++++++++++org.tizen.manager.exception.UMException: Cannot install the Tizen Studio package.
**   Error  **
Installation has been failed.

I've tried in Windows and Linux Mint and it downloads to about 20% then aborts. Since you were able to get it to install the issue must be on my end.

I really appreciate the help, thank you very much.


Armaan-Ul- Islam

After your feedback, I decided to install the WEARABLE-3.0-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI package from the scratch on my Windows 64 machine. Downloaded the CLI installer package from this Link:


Then ran the commands required, but no complicacy. Sharing the cmd history with you:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\armaan.islam>set PATH=%PATH%;C:\tizen-studio\tools\ide\bin
C:\Users\armaan.islam>tizen versionTizen CLI 2.4.5
C:\Users\armaan.islam>cd ..
C:\Users>cd ..
C:\>cd tizen-studio
C:\tizen-studio>cd package-manager

C:\tizen-studio\package-manager>package-manager-cli install WEARABLE-3.0-Native
AppDevelopment-CLI --accept-license

Package Manager (0.3.43)

******* Start to update packages *******
Nothing to update.

****** Start to install packages *******
Under packages will be installed. 
              * NativeToolchain-Gcc-4.9 
              * NativeCLI 
              * WEARABLE-3.0-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI

0% [----------------------------------------] 100 % 
0% [----------------------------------------] 100 % 
0% [----------------------------------------] 100 % 
Installation has been completed.


I ran the show-info command to checkout the Informations. Run 'show-info' command and Compare your info with mine:

C:\tizen-studio\package-manager>package-manager-cli show-info

Display installed Tizen Studio's information
Package Manager (0.3.43)
Installed Path     : C:\tizen-studio
Data Path          : C:\tizen-studio-data
Repository URL     : http://download.tizen.org/sdk/tizenstudio
Distribution       : official
Distribution ID    : 72b20fa4-4d51-11e6-9470-33d0f37a101c
Target Snapshot    : /snapshots/Tizen_Studio_1.2
Installed Snapshot : /snapshots/Tizen_Studio_1.2
Auto Update        : Activated
Proxy type         : auto

Also Compare your data with mine for the extra servers list. command: 'extra --list' and check if they are Activated:true

C:\tizen-studio\package-manager>package-manager-cli extra --list
Package Manager (0.3.43)
Index        : 1
Name         : Samsung Certificate Extension
Repository   : http://developer.samsung.com/sdk-manager/repository/tizen-certifi
Default      : true
Activate     : true

Index        : 2
Name         : Samsung Wearable Extension
Repository   : http://developer.samsung.com/sdk-manager/repository/tizen-wearabl
Default      : true
Activate     : true

Index        : 3
Name         : Samsung Tizen TV SDK
Repository   : http://sdf.samsungcloudcdn.com/Public/smart_tv_sdk/releases/samsu
Default      : true
Activate     : true


If all the properties are also set similar, then I doubt the problem could be with firewall or ISP or stable connection related issue.

Michael Beam

Thanks again for your help. It's going to be a couple days before I can try again due to work.

Michael Beam

I still get and error when I attempt to install the package (package-manager-cli install WEARABLE-3.0-Native AppDevelopment-CLI --accept-license), but the output from package-manager-cli show-info and package-manager-cli extra --list are identical to what you posted. From the Tizen Studio IDE I still do not have the option to create a Wearable Native App (option is greyed out). I'll see if I can create a Native App using the CLI tools.

Shadab Mozaffar

Please follow what Armaan suggested.

I was facing same issue since yesterday. And I fixed it by following method:

- Change default repository to


- Make sure you have stable internet connection. Mine is 50 Mbps but I had to try again after Failed Installation.

- Better to start command prompt and issue this command:  ping download.tizen.org -t

- It will keep pinging remote server and you can directly monitor packet loss.



Michael Beam

That did the trick. The repository on my Linux machine was set to:


...instead of:


When I changed it the install was successful and Native Application option is now available in the IDE.

Thank you both for your help!


yongheon shin


We found some errors in the package server of usa.

They were fixed today, and you can get Tizen Studio from usa server too.

Sorry for inconvenience.