I try to enable my app to open the WiFi Picker if it hasn'T been done at the time of app usage already. So through some searching I found a code snippet claiming to do exactly what I hoped for: Look here
But... its from 2015, and in Tizen API Level 2.3.x, so a quick look inside the API for 3.0.0 claims it to be decrecated code. I should use these instead of:
Well.. okay.
doing this
wifi_manager_h wifi; int wifiManagerInitializeResult = wifi_manager_initialize(wifi); int wifiManagerPickerResult = wifi_manager_activate_with_wifi_picker_tested(wifi,NULL,NULL);
will yield a -22 for wifiManagerInitializeResult and wifiManagerPickerResult. Which means... WIFI_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
Well... okay? I tried "wifi_manager_h *wifi", but that does not work either. So.. what am I missing?
By the way, I do not need a callback (the first NULL) or callback Data (the second NULL). But the -22 does appear at wifi_manager_initialize, which only has one parameter.