
SpeechApp sample error
Hello everybody! I'm trying to run SpeechApp sample application on emulator. TTS (Text-to-speech) is working good. But STT(Speech-to-text) is defunct. I receive error notification like this: void SpeechAppSttForm::OnSpeechToTextErrorOccurred(Tizen::Uix::Speech::SpeechToTextError error) { if (error == SPEECH_TO_TEXT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SERVICE) { this->SendUserEvent(REQUEST_ID_EXIT, null); } } Can anybody run SpeechApp sample?
编辑者为: Sergei Epatov 13 5月, 2013


4 回复
Pushpa G
Speech to text functionality is not supported in 2.0 version
Sergei Epatov
It is not supported on device too? Or in 2.0 emulator only?
Sergei Epatov
That's interesting. Why SDK has sample of STT that is not working? :)
tizendevteam T
Dear serje, Currently Speech to text functionality is not supported due to some license issues. Thanks