I am developing a widget with a single button to send a specific text message to a specific number with one touch, but I've run into an issue.
I've been all across the internet trying to solve a very simple problem:
I'm running the application on a Gear S2 SM-R720 running software version R720XXU2CPC5.
I've tried using the app_control_id "com.samsung.message" and "tizen.messages". "tizen.messages" results in an APP_NOT_FOUND error, whereas the first one simply launches the messaging app.
1) Is there a better way to do this?
2) How do I force-install the tizen.messages app?
2) Where can I find the source code / API documentation / manifest.xml on com.samsung.message?
Now, the code that I've developed (the number has been masked for privacy:
static void sent_msg_cb(messages_sending_result_e result, void *user_data) { if (MESSAGES_SENDING_SUCCEEDED == result) { dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "Message sending succeeded"); } else { dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "Message sending failed"); } } static void _button_click_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *button, void *ev) { bool sendText = false; system_info_get_platform_bool("tizen.org/feature/network.telephony", &sendText); system_info_get_platform_bool("tizen.org/feature/network.telephony.sms", &sendText); if(sendText) { error_code = messages_open_service(&service_handle); if (error_code == MESSAGES_ERROR_NONE) { int error_code2; messages_message_h msg_hndl = NULL; /* Create an SMS message handle */ error_code2 = messages_create_message(MESSAGES_TYPE_SMS, &msg_hndl); if (error_code2 != MESSAGES_ERROR_NONE) { log_message_error_code("Failed to create message: ", error_code2); } error_code2 = messages_add_address(msg_hndl, "7319260071", MESSAGES_RECIPIENT_TO); if (error_code2 != MESSAGES_ERROR_NONE) { log_message_error_code("Failed to add recipient address: ", error_code2); } error_code2 = messages_set_text(msg_hndl, ":*"); if (error_code2 != MESSAGES_ERROR_NONE) { log_message_error_code("Failed to set message text: ", error_code2); } error_code2 = messages_send_message(service_handle, msg_hndl, true, sent_msg_cb, NULL); if (error_code2 != MESSAGES_ERROR_NONE) { log_message_error_code("Failed to send message: ", error_code2); } } else { log_message_error_code("Failed to initialize message service: ", error_code); switch (error_code) { case MESSAGES_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: /**< Out of memory */ log_message(DLOG_ERROR,"MESSAGES_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY"); break; case MESSAGES_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: /**< Invalid parameter */ log_message(DLOG_ERROR,"MESSAGES_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER"); break; case MESSAGES_ERROR_SERVER_NOT_READY: /**< Server is not read */ log_message(DLOG_ERROR,"MESSAGES_ERROR_SERVER_NOT_READY"); break; case MESSAGES_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_WITH_SERVER_FAILED: /**< Communication with server failed */ log_message(DLOG_ERROR,"MESSAGES_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_WITH_SERVER_FAILED"); break; case MESSAGES_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE: /**< Index out of range */ log_message(DLOG_ERROR,"MESSAGES_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE"); break; case MESSAGES_ERROR_SENDING_FAILED: /**< Sending a message failed */ log_message(DLOG_ERROR,"MESSAGES_ERROR_SENDING_FAILED"); break; case MESSAGES_ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED: /**< Messaging operation failed */ log_message(DLOG_ERROR,"MESSAGES_ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED"); break; case MESSAGES_ERROR_NO_SIM_CARD: /**< No SIM Card */ log_message(DLOG_ERROR,"MESSAGES_ERROR_NO_SIM_CARD"); break; case MESSAGES_ERROR_NO_DATA: /**< No data available */ log_message(DLOG_ERROR,"MESSAGES_ERROR_NO_DATA"); break; case MESSAGES_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED: /**< Permission denied */ log_message(DLOG_ERROR,"MESSAGES_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED"); break; case MESSAGES_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: /**< Not supported */ log_message(DLOG_ERROR,"MESSAGES_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED"); break; default: log_message_error_code("Unknown: ", error_code); } } messages_close_service(service_handle); service_handle = NULL; } else { app_control_h app_control = NULL; app_control_create(&app_control); app_control_set_operation(app_control, APP_CONTROL_OPERATION_COMPOSE); app_control_set_app_id(app_control, "tizen.messages"); app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, APP_CONTROL_DATA_TO, "+10000000000"); app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, APP_CONTROL_DATA_TEXT, ":*"); if(app_control_send_launch_request(app_control, NULL, NULL) == APP_CONTROL_ERROR_NONE) { log_message(DLOG_DEBUG, "SMS view launched!"); } app_control_destroy(app_control); } }