
How to make the splash image?

Hello All,


I'm porting my app from bada to tizen. 

I can't find the function or setting for viewing the splash image , when the app starts.

Is there anyway to view the splash image?



NBA Mania

编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


5 回复
muditha murthy
In Tizen there is no such option to add a splash screen to a application. When the app starts directly it shows the form.
y Rajyalakshmi
Hi, can we create a splash screen using threads concept. Thanks Rajyalakshmi
muditha murthy
I think you can only simulate the splash image behaviour but it might not be exactly, you can just delay the display of your mainform and show your image before it.
y Rajyalakshmi
Hi, Can you please give some sample code to display image as splash before our form loaded(using threads concept). Thanks Rajyalakshmi
muditha murthy
I have not implemented anything of such kind. The above answer was only a possibility, with which you can try.