
App runs on emulator but rejected by certification team


I have submitted 2 apps for certification but each time they are rejected during pre-certification because the apps do not run on the test device. On the emulator of Tizen SDK 2.1 the apps run with absolutely no problems at all.

In the launch log I get from the certification team it says that the apps are launched successfully and after that there are only a few messages in which I can't see what could be the problem.

Could anyone please have a look at the below log and tell me what is wrong? Thank you for your help.

I/osp-installer( 1004): void InstallerManager::PrintResult()(703) > ==========================================
I/osp-installer( 1004): void InstallerManager::PrintResult()(704) > # operation = Install
I/osp-installer( 1004): void InstallerManager::PrintResult()(705) > # version=[20130426.1]
I/osp-installer( 1004): void InstallerManager::PrintResult()(706) > # Package = [ze0yC1vxbV]
I/osp-installer( 1004): void InstallerManager::PrintResult()(707) > # MainApp = [MyAppHD]
I/osp-installer( 1004): void InstallerManager::PrintResult()(708) > # Time = [3510]ms
I/osp-installer( 1004): void InstallerManager::PrintError(int)(804) > # Error = Success(0)
I/osp-installer( 1004): void InstallerManager::PrintResult()(710) > ==========================================
I/osp-installer( 1004): static bool InstallerUtil::Remove(const Tizen::Base::String&)(79) > Remove(): directory, path=[/opt/usr/apps/__@@osp_tmp@@__]
I/osp-installer( 1004): bool __osp_installer_report_result(const Tizen::App::PackageId&, int)(233) > ------------------------------------------
I/osp-installer( 1004): bool __osp_installer_report_result(const Tizen::App::PackageId&, int)(234) > osp_installer_report_result
I/osp-installer( 1004): bool __osp_installer_report_result(const Tizen::App::PackageId&, int)(235) > # request_type = [1]
I/osp-installer( 1004): bool __osp_installer_report_result(const Tizen::App::PackageId&, int)(236) > # request_info = [/opt/pkg/MyAppHD.tpk]
I/osp-installer( 1004): bool __osp_installer_report_result(const Tizen::App::PackageId&, int)(237) > # session = [/opt/pkg/MyAppHD.tpk_1333825116]
I/osp-installer( 1004): bool __osp_installer_report_result(const Tizen::App::PackageId&, int)(242) > # errorType = [0]
I/osp-installer( 1004): bool __osp_installer_report_result(const Tizen::App::PackageId&, int)(243) > ------------------------------------------
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): virtual void InstallEventListener::OnPackageInstallationInProgressResponseReceived(const Tizen::App::PackageId &, int)(48) > installing2 ze0yC1vxbV 100
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): virtual void InstallEventListener::OnPackageInstallationResponseReceived(const Tizen::App::PackageId &, Tizen::App::Package::PackageInstallationResult)(34) > install complete2 0
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(101) > Text Length INSTALLSUCCESS
I/TZService( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(111) > Text Length 15
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): virtual InstallEventListener::~InstallEventListener()(18) > ~TZServiceUninstallListener
E/Tizen::Io( 2100): static bool Tizen::Io::File::IsFileExist(const Tizen::Base::String&)(301) > [E_INVALID_ARG] Given filePath length is zero or exceeds system limitations.
E/Tizen::Io( 2100): result Tizen::Io::_DbEnumeratorImpl::GetStringAt(int, Tizen::Base::String&) const(880) > [E_TYPE_MISMATCH] Trying to access column of different type.
E/Tizen::Io( 2100): result Tizen::Io::_DbEnumeratorImpl::GetIntAt(int, int&) const(811) > [E_TYPE_MISMATCH] Trying to access column of different type.
E/Tizen::Io( 2100): result Tizen::Io::_DbEnumeratorImpl::GetStringAt(int, Tizen::Base::String&) const(880) > [E_TYPE_MISMATCH] Trying to access column of different type.
E/Tizen::Io( 2100): static bool Tizen::Io::File::IsFileExist(const Tizen::Base::String&)(301) > [E_INVALID_ARG] Given filePath length is zero or exceeds system limitations.
E/Tizen::App( 2100): void Tizen::App::_ConditionManagerStub::OnInstallComplete(const Tizen::App::AppId&)(133) > failed to GetAppLaunchConditionListN(ze0yC1vxbV.MyAppHD)
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): virtual void ConnectionManager::OnSocketReadyToReceive(Tizen::Net::Sockets::Socket &)(150) > ISINSTALLAPP#ze0yC1vxbV#
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(841) > 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(850) > Command ISINSTALLAPP
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(862) > Argument ze0yC1vxbV
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(864) > 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(874) > ParsingMsgN Command ISINSTALLAPP 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): bool MessageHandler::ProcessMsg(Tizen::Base::String)(359) > ISINSTALLAPP ze0yC1vxbV
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): bool DeviceAgent::IsInstallApp(Tizen::Base::String)(343) > ze0yC1vxbV test
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): bool MessageHandler::ProcessMsg(Tizen::Base::String)(361) > ISINSTALLAPP2
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(101) > Text Length TRUE
I/TZService( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(111) > Text Length 5
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): virtual void ConnectionManager::OnSocketReadyToReceive(Tizen::Net::Sockets::Socket &)(150) > KEEPALIVE
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(841) > 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(850) > Command KEEPALIVE
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(864) > 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(874) > ParsingMsgN Command KEEPALIVE 0
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): bool MessageHandler::ProcessMsg(Tizen::Base::String)(792) > KEEPALIVE Receive
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(101) > Text Length TRUE
I/TZService( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(111) > Text Length 5
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): virtual void ConnectionManager::OnSocketReadyToReceive(Tizen::Net::Sockets::Socket &)(150) > RESETCRASHDATA#
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(841) > 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(850) > Command RESETCRASHDATA
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(864) > 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(874) > ParsingMsgN Command RESETCRASHDATA 0
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): bool MessageHandler::ProcessMsg(Tizen::Base::String)(779) > RESETCRASHDATA Success
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(101) > Text Length TRUE
I/TZService( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(111) > Text Length 5
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): virtual void ConnectionManager::OnSocketReadyToReceive(Tizen::Net::Sockets::Socket &)(150) > TURNSCREENON#
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(841) > 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(850) > Command TURNSCREENON
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(864) > 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(874) > ParsingMsgN Command TURNSCREENON 0
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): bool MessageHandler::ProcessMsg(Tizen::Base::String)(535) > Screen On Success
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(101) > Text Length TRUE
I/TZService( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(111) > Text Length 5
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): virtual void ConnectionManager::OnSocketReadyToReceive(Tizen::Net::Sockets::Socket &)(150) > ISINSTALLAPP#ze0yC1vxbV#
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(841) > 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(850) > Command ISINSTALLAPP
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(862) > Argument ze0yC1vxbV
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(864) > 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(874) > ParsingMsgN Command ISINSTALLAPP 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): bool MessageHandler::ProcessMsg(Tizen::Base::String)(359) > ISINSTALLAPP ze0yC1vxbV
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): bool DeviceAgent::IsInstallApp(Tizen::Base::String)(343) > ze0yC1vxbV test
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): bool MessageHandler::ProcessMsg(Tizen::Base::String)(361) > ISINSTALLAPP2
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(101) > Text Length TRUE
I/TZService( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(111) > Text Length 5
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): virtual void ConnectionManager::OnSocketReadyToReceive(Tizen::Net::Sockets::Socket &)(150) > LAUNCHPACKAGE#ze0yC1vxbV#
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(841) > 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(850) > Command LAUNCHPACKAGE
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(862) > Argument ze0yC1vxbV
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(864) > 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(874) > ParsingMsgN Command LAUNCHPACKAGE 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): bool MessageHandler::ProcessMsg(Tizen::Base::String)(257) > GETAPPID ARGUMENTS ze0yC1vxbV
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): result DeviceAgent::LaunchPackage(Tizen::Base::String)(237) > Launch Application AppId = ze0yC1vxbV.MyAppHD
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): result DeviceAgent::LaunchPackage(Tizen::Base::String)(244) > Launch Application Success
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(101) > Text Length LAUNCHPACKAGESUCCESS
I/TZService( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(111) > Text Length 21
E/Tizen::App( 2100): static int Tizen::App::_AppLifecycleManager::LaunchCallback(int, void*)(902) > Cannot acquire app for 1051.
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): virtual void ConnectionManager::OnSocketReadyToReceive(Tizen::Net::Sockets::Socket &)(150) > GETCRASHDATA#
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(841) > 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(850) > Command GETCRASHDATA
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(864) > 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(874) > ParsingMsgN Command GETCRASHDATA 0
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): bool MessageHandler::ProcessMsg(Tizen::Base::String)(763) > GetCrashData not Crash
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(101) > Text Length NULL
I/TZService( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(111) > Text Length 5
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): virtual void ConnectionManager::OnSocketReadyToReceive(Tizen::Net::Sockets::Socket &)(150) > ISRUNNINGAPP#ze0yC1vxbV#
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(841) > 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(850) > Command ISRUNNINGAPP
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(862) > Argument ze0yC1vxbV
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(864) > 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(874) > ParsingMsgN Command ISRUNNINGAPP 1
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): bool MessageHandler::ProcessMsg(Tizen::Base::String)(331) > ISRUNNINGAPP ze0yC1vxbV
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): Tizen::Base::String DeviceAgent::GetRunningAppList()(276) > PackageId = aospd00043.osp-app-service#org.tizen.indicator#q7097a278m.osp-security-service#cp7ipabg4k.osp-channel-service#org.tizen.volume#org.tizen.menu-screen#org.tizen.quickpanel#sjjevolsjk.osp-common-service#57r43275q7.osp-connectivity-service#xZuDw2OeGg.CalendarService#ljm9hoi4jr.TZService#
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): bool DeviceAgent::IsRunningApp(Tizen::Base::String)(285) > PackageId = aospd00043.osp-app-service#org.tizen.indicator#q7097a278m.osp-security-service#cp7ipabg4k.osp-channel-service#org.tizen.volume#org.tizen.menu-screen#org.tizen.quickpanel#sjjevolsjk.osp-common-service#57r43275q7.osp-connectivity-service#xZuDw2OeGg.CalendarService#ljm9hoi4jr.TZService#
I/TZAUTO ( 2433): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(101) > Text Length FALSE

编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


4 回复
Kamil N
I have the same problem. Also my application is rejected because of unused privilege but without this privilege I get excepcions. Support for Tizen is terrible!! Half of things doesn't work.
wil smith
From the provided logs, it looks your application code didn't run at all. Have you uploaded the correct package file? Usually, package file name generated for device looks like [AppID]-[App Version]-arm.tpk, e.g., Lcj9qU8DrX-1.0.0-arm.tpk Ensure, while creating TPK file for device, Architecture is set to ARMv7-a (Project Property window -> C/C++ Build -> Tizen Settings -> Platform Tab -> Architecture) and it is signed(you need to set the Secure Profile for this).
Thank you for your expert advice. My app was signed correctly but the architecture was set to X-86 instead of to ARMv7-a. I have no idea why the SDK would not automatically select the appropriate architecture when making a release build. Anyway the problem is solved thanks to your kind help.
I have the same problem but it keeps beeing rejected by certification team (SDK 2.1 here). The log have the same line between LAUNCHPACKAGE and GETCRASHDATA as the first post: E/Tizen::App( 2106): static int Tizen::App::_AppLifecycleManager::LaunchCallback(int, void*)(902) > Cannot acquire app for 14376. In the first approval attempt, it was packaged for x86 and it was rejected. I read this topic and I assumed it was because of that. I packaged it for ARM but in the second submission it was rejected again. In the Secure Profiles I have added one profile with one Author Certificate ganerated. The Distributor Certificate has to be filled also? If so, with what? Can the lauching crash be caused by the DRM appiled by the Tizen Store? Any ideas? Thanks in advance.