Hi, I've found instructions very unclear about notification handling with a Samsung Gear S.
On one side, I've eard that notifications can't be handled with the Wearable sdk. in the Gears S specifications, it's written :
Tizen based wearable platform
(Source : http : //www . samsungmobilepress . com/2014/08/28/Samsung-Gear-S-Enhances-the-Smart-Wearable-Experience-1)
Does that mean that the OS IS Wearable and can't use Notifications, or the "based wearable" means that even tho it's wearable, it include Notifications aswell ? in the support we can see :
Galaxy Gear: What Operating System version does my Samsung Gear S™ have?
- RICH Notification
- Notifications from 3rd party messenger applications have new actions
(Source : http : //www . samsung . com/us/support/faq/FAQ00075854/114726/SM-R750VZWAVZW)
Second question : I followed the guide in the Notification's API, code bellow :
try { var appControl = new tizen.ApplicationControl( "http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/create_content", null, "image/jpg", null); var notificationDict = { content : "This is a simple notification.", iconPath : "images/image1.jpg", soundPath : "music/Over the horizon.mp3", vibration : true, appControl : appControl}; var notification = new tizen.StatusNotification("SIMPLE", "Simple notification", notificationDict); tizen.notification.post(notification); } catch (err) { console.log (err.name + ": " + err.message); }
(Source : https : // developer . tizen . org/dev-guide/2.3.0/org . tizen . web . apireference/html/device_api/mobile/tizen/notification . html)
I have the error : TypeError: 'undefined' is not a constructor (evaluating 'new tizen.StatusNotification("SIMPLE", "Simple notification", notificationDict)'), wich I think means that StatusNotification doesn't exists in the Wearable library.
The thing that bugs me is I can't imagine an "independant" smartwatch that can not handle notifications from apps, that would be completly useless IMO...
So, is there any way to develop notifications for application, wether they are Push notifications, or Local notifications that I can create ?