
Application for gear 2

Hello, i have this samsung gear 2, which i would like a app for.

I have previous made apps for android, but since this is another system, i would like to know if someone could help me get started to make a app for my gear 2 that simply open an already existing app on my android samsung galaxy s3 phone.

Like a shorcut. that activates a app from my gear 2.

I know there are alternatives, like Launchgear, but i would like to be able to activate this just pushing once.

Is this possible? Is it already coded? I hope someone can help me.

Regards Nichlas


1 回复
Sanjeev BA

Read about Gear 2 app development.

Set up the SDK's and development environments and understand the communication between Gear and Host(ex Android) device.


Follow the sample code in the site. HelloAccessory.


The above sample explains how to exchange string between gear and mobile.

Once you can exchange simple strings, you can tell the Android Service which app needs to be launched and fire an Intent based on that.

Hope this helps.

There could be other methods as well :)