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Unable to install manually signed application in Device

Hi all, 

I am facing some problemas while trying to deploy an WGT file to one Samsung Gear S Device. 

I followed the steps provided from official documentation. (https://developer.tizen.org/development/tools/native-tools/command-line-interface).

I had created a certificate, generated an Security profile and package the WGT successfully.

But, when trying to send the WGT to device, the following message appears: 

Installing the package...

Platform log view
path is /opt/usr/apps/tmp/CiaAthletica.wgt
__return_cb req_id[30050002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[eu7RUzR61z] key[start] val[update]
__return_cb req_id[30050002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[eu7RUzR61z] key[install_percent] val[3]
__return_cb req_id[30050002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[eu7RUzR61z] key[install_percent] val[18]
__return_cb req_id[30050002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[eu7RUzR61z] key[install_percent] val[22]
__return_cb req_id[30050002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[eu7RUzR61z] key[install_percent] val[25]
__return_cb req_id[30050002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[eu7RUzR61z] key[install_percent] val[33]
__return_cb req_id[30050002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[eu7RUzR61z] key[error] val[22] error message: Error occured in ParserSchema.
__return_cb req_id[30050002] pkg_type[wgt] pkgid[eu7RUzR61z] key[end] val[fail]
processing result : SIGNATURE_INVALID [22] failed
spend time for pkgcmd is [703]ms
Failed to install Tizen application.
Finished install

Any idea to help me with this issue?




3 댓글
Masum Talukder


That usually means the certificate that you created to start the process doesn't match the device profile that was downloaded. There are 3 parts to the Tizen Wearable signing process

  1. Your certificate that you create using the Tizen IDE. This file is in ~/tizen-wearable-sdk-data/keystore/author.csr.
  2. Your certificate that has been co-signed using the Samsung Developer account and returned to you in email in a file named author.crt
  3. A device profile that is unique to the device you are debugging. This is created by the Samsung Developer site based on information you provide. The result is sent in an email as device_profile.xml. You sign this profile with your author certificate and install. If the signature used to sign this profile doesn't match the original author.csr, then it will fail.

The process isn't as simple as Android as you can self-sign Android APKs. Tizen/embedded Linux don't allow that.


If you think that my answer is helpful for you, then please mark it as the "Best" answer.


Diego Souza

Hello Masum, 


thanks for replying my question. Just to clarify, do you have some steps to sign correctly the WGT file using command line? 

My idea is create an shell script using this CLI commands to sing WGT files.

Thanks a lot.



Masum Talukder


"I had created a certificate, generated an Security profile and package the WGT successfully."

It seems that you already know that process to sign the WGT using CLI commands.

Though I have not tried the command line for this purpose BUT in my understanding, if you have correctly generated Certificates, and followed the build and Run commands in CLI then it should not have any problem.

and all the CLI commands are well described in this link: https://developer.tizen.org/development/tools/native-tools/command-line-interface


If you think that my answer is helpful for you, then please mark it as the "Best" answer.