언어 설정

Wearable watchface : back button not supported ?

Hi, is back button not supported in wearable watchface ?

I'm using   eext_object_event_callback_add(ad->win, EEXT_CALLBACK_BACK, back_cb, ad);

its working on normal app but NOT in the watch app







2 댓글
Armaan-Ul- Islam

Sounds conflicting with the whole Idea to me. Logically Its Like Pressing 'Home' button repeatedly on your smartphone when your are on your Home screen. It has no functionality here, as you are already on Home screen. In your Gear, by pressing back button you can turn back from your apps (like pop from stack) all way way to your watchface. But pressing back from watchface won't take you anywhere, its the base. I guess naturally, developer would not be given option to add functionalties overriding back button on watchface.

Tizen is me

Well, what I think is for example in stopwatch app, we can instead press home button to start the stopwatch


Thanks anyway