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Wear: Cairo Drawing with settings

Hello everyone,

I thing I have a problem in handling cairo drawing! So I'm looking for an example to understood :-o

I want to create a tizen wear app with cairo graphic and the possibility to made settings for this.
So I'm looking for an example with the following possibilitys:

- Starting with an cairo graphic showing a blue text with a point (like the cairo example of tizen studio)
- Possibility to start a setup (navigation menu like UI elements example of tizen studio)
  -> with a touch or wipe or something else on the shown cairo graphic  ...
  -> setting up i.e. the circle size or the tize color
- Exit setting with a wipe or the "exit button" or ...
- Showing the new cairo graphic with the new given settings

Could someone send me a link to a guide or a example to learn from?

A download link to an example like described would be very nice :-)
Many thanks!


1 댓글
K Johnson

Please check this link , I've shared two workaround ideas. Looking forward for your reply.