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Performance issues in native OpenGL/ES vs WebGL


I have been doing some 3D performance tests on a Tizen PQ handset. Using the sample GLesCube app, I get about 16 fps for a simple rotating cube. On the other hand, in the browser, the webgl performance is pretty decent, except for some garbage collection issues that make the framerate drop every other second. I do not understand why javascript apps perform better than c++ apps, is there something I am missing? I did a lot of search on mailing lists and google but didn't find anything interesting.

Could you please share information on this ?

Thanks in advance, 


Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


2 댓글
muditha murthy
16FBS is low, have yo kept hardware acceleration ON in the manifest file advanced settings. Also in which SDk version and device version have you tried. Hardware acceleration ON improves the performance.
This solved the problem, I added HwAcceleration="On" to the manifest. Thanks.