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LaunchPackage crash

Tell me please, I can not understand what the problem is. Sent the application, it has not passed. This log is written:


I/TZAUTO  ( 2792): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(839) > ParsingMsgN ISRUNNINGAPP#ytoqOHvqgR#
I/TZAUTO  ( 2792): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(845) > 1
I/TZAUTO  ( 2792): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(854) > Command ISRUNNINGAPP
I/TZAUTO  ( 2792): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(866) > Argument ytoqOHvqgR
I/TZAUTO  ( 2792): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(868) > 1
I/TZAUTO  ( 2792): Message *MessageHandler::ParsingMsgN(Tizen::Base::String)(878) > ParsingMsgN Command ISRUNNINGAPP 1
I/TZAUTO  ( 2792): bool MessageHandler::ProcessMsg(Tizen::Base::String)(334) > ISRUNNINGAPP ytoqOHvqgR
I/TZAUTO  ( 2792): Tizen::Base::String DeviceAgent::GetRunningAppList()(292) > PackageId = contacts-service#org.tizen.quickpanel#aospd00043.osp-app-service#org.tizen.indicator#q7097a278m.osp-security-service#cp7ipabg4k.osp-channel-service#PRIVTISE01.ise-default#org.tizen.volume#sjjevolsjk.osp-common-service#57r43275q7.osp-connectivity-service#ljm9hoi4jr.TZService#org.tizen.menu-screen#kmcele1k0n.Internet#
I/TZAUTO  ( 2792): bool DeviceAgent::IsRunningApp(Tizen::Base::String)(301) > PackageId = contacts-service#org.tizen.quickpanel#aospd00043.osp-app-service#org.tizen.indicator#q7097a278m.osp-security-service#cp7ipabg4k.osp-channel-service#PRIVTISE01.ise-default#org.tizen.volume#sjjevolsjk.osp-common-service#57r43275q7.osp-connectivity-service#ljm9hoi4jr.TZService#org.tizen.menu-screen#kmcele1k0n.Internet#
I/TZAUTO  ( 2792): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(101) > Text Length FALSE
I/TZService( 2792): result MessageHandler::SendString(Tizen::Base::String)(111) > Text Length 6

What could it be that in the text, the text entered in tehtedit, there is a limit to 10 letters, we have tested on different characters and nothing was falling, help please.
It is meant that the text has been deleted or what?

Message I may be administered anytime and it just does not break a string or something else.




1 댓글
Chintan Gandhi

Hi Levan Gogohia,

I had the same problem long back. Just ensure that while creating TPK file for device, Architecture is set to ARMv7-a (Project Property window -> C/C++ Build -> Tizen Settings -> Platform Tab -> Architecture) and it is signed(you need to set the Secure Profile for this).

