Hi developers!
I have a simple audio recorder applicaiton, and when i stop the recording, I wish to imidietely send the recorded file over BT to my phone.
However I am missing something, and I don't know what.
It's based on sample native ui applicaiton and here is what I've done so far:
i setup the following callbacks:
int error_code = bt_adapter_foreach_bonded_device(bonded_device_cb, NULL); dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "bt_adapter_foreach_bonded_device. error code: %s", get_error_message(error_code)); error_code = bt_socket_set_connection_state_changed_cb(socket_connection_state_changed_cb,NULL); dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "registered bt_socket_set_connection_state_changed_cb. error code: %s", get_error_message(error_code));
then in my bonded_device_cb() i read the remote_address and service_uuid
static bool bonded_device_cb(bt_device_info_s *device_info, void *user_data) { dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "got a bonded device! \n" "remote_address: %s \n" "remote_name: %s \n" "service_uuid: %s \n" "is_bonded: %d \n" "is_connected: %d \n" "is_authorized: %d \n", device_info->remote_address, device_info->remote_name, *device_info->service_uuid, device_info->is_bonded, device_info->is_connected, device_info->is_authorized); remote_address = malloc((sizeof(device_info->remote_address)*strlen(device_info->remote_address))+1); service_uuid = malloc((sizeof(*device_info->service_uuid)*strlen(*device_info->service_uuid))+1); strcpy(remote_address, device_info->remote_address); strcpy(service_uuid, *device_info->service_uuid); dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "copied!! remote_address: %s, service_uuid: %s", remote_address, service_uuid); return true; }
to later use it back in _app_resume_cb() in order to use bt_socket_connect_rfcomm():
dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "remote_address: %s, service_uuid: %s", remote_address, service_uuid); error_code = bt_socket_connect_rfcomm(remote_address, service_uuid); dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "bt_socket_connect_rfcomm. error code: %s", get_error_message(error_code));
so the connection error_code is successful, and in my socket_connection_state_changed_cb() i read the socket_fd:
static void socket_connection_state_changed_cb(int result, bt_socket_connection_state_e connection_state, bt_socket_connection_s *connection, void *user_data) { dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "socket connection state changed \n" "result: %s " "connection_state: %d " "socket_fd: %d " "server_fd: %d " "remote_address: %s " "local_role: %d " "service_uuid: %s ", get_error_message(result), connection_state, connection->socket_fd, connection->server_fd, connection->remote_address, connection->local_role, connection->service_uuid); socket_fd = connection->socket_fd; }
to then use in sending data using bt_socket_send_data(). I send the data after pressing the stop record button:
... /* Stop the recorder and save the recorded data to a file */ if (_recorder_expect_state(g_recorder, RECORDER_STATE_RECORDING) || _recorder_expect_state(g_recorder, RECORDER_STATE_PAUSED)) { char *filez; recorder_get_filename(g_recorder, &filez); stop_recorder(); dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "stopped recording"); Eina_Bool shared = EINA_FALSE; Eina_File * ein_file = eina_file_open(filez, shared); size_t fil_size = eina_file_size_get(ein_file); const char * fil_name = eina_file_filename_get(ein_file); dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "****opened file?, filez: %s fil_size: %d, fil_name: %s", filez, fil_size, fil_name); error_code = bt_socket_send_data(socket_fd, data, fil_size); dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "****sending file!!!!! number of bytes written: %d", error_code); ...
and in the logs i can see the file name and size printed correctly.
some logs printouts:
got a bonded device! remote_address: 34:2D:0D:12:BB:89 remote_name: Galaxy S8 service_uuid: 00001105-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB is_bonded: 1 is_connected: 1 is_authorized: 0 socket connection state changed result: Successful connection_state: 0 socket_fd: 40 server_fd: -1 remote_address: 34:2D:0D:12:BB:89 local_role: 2 service_uuid: 00001105-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB ... remote_address: 34:2D:0D:12:BB:89, service_uuid: 00001105-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB bt_socket_connect_rfcomm. error code: Successful ... ****opened file?, filez: /opt/usr/media/Documents/AUDIO_2019_12_12_18_39_27.3gp fil_size: 835, fil_name: /opt/usr/media/Documents/AUDIO_2019_12_12_18_39_27.3gp ****sending file!!!!! number of bytes written: 835
On the phone I never get request to "receive a file", unless it's done "silently"? in which i doubt highly. I tried to search for the file manually but to no avail.
Please tell me what am I missing!
Best regards,