언어 설정

How to do rendering in multi threads
I create a son thread in main thread ,and use main thread display and xwindow to create new surface and context in the son thread ,but it is fail. And If I use the main thread surface and context to eglMakecurrent , it is also fail. How can I render in multi threads? It seems that it can not share the display or surface.


4 댓글
colin Rao

Yes, the UI display and manipulated must be done in the main thread. You just can use a son thread to do some time comsuption work, and call back to the main thread to update the UI display. 

su diao

Thanks for your reply , may I contact with you by single communication ?

bhoomika rathod

Hey, I am doing something this type of work in which i want to show downloaded images in my application from SD card.
But UI visibles after download thread completes its execution.
I want to make work this thread in background and show result at the same time.
I have no idea how to do this.
Will you plz help me?