언어 설정

Fixed part in EDC layout

Hi All,

I have developed custom header part in edc layout.

I have two entry widget in my layout. So when entry widget get focus or keyboard appear on screen my header scrolls up side and disappers.

I want to make position of my header as absolute or fixed.

How can I do that using edc? Below is my fixed RECT part as screen header.

     part { name: "rect";
            type: RECT;
            description { state: "default" 0.0;
               rel1.relative: 0.0 0.0;
               rel2.relative: 1.0 0.1;
               fixed: 1 1;
               color: 51 153 255 255;


4 댓글
colin Rao

what's your sample code? possible, put all the widgets into a conformant container if those widget will trigger keyboard popup. 



may be you should use a Conformant widget. Here you can find more information about ut:


Alex Dem

Maybe in some cases you could add layout with your elements onto scroller : Something like this: win-> conformant->scroller->"layout with your widgets".

Dinal Jivani

Hello Dharmesh Guna,

i am facing the same problem , if you found any answer somewhere then please help,

i will be really Thankful to you ,

Please Help