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failed to install basicui to connected device

Hi Im trying to build my project to the connected device. but it fails to install because of the error: invalid manifest (12) Its a basic project and I didnt modify anything in the manifest file. I also succesfully created my Samsung Certification and permit my device to install apps. The strange thing about this is I can run mu project in emulator. In the image below you can see the error I get. If someone has a solution for it please let me know.

PS: my GearS is and my project is set to envoriment 2.3.1 I cant change it via manifest because there is no option for 2.2. Is it maybe because of this reason why my app will not install to my GearS? is there maybe a way to develop nativ apps for the GearS


Edited by: houssain elbou on 24 2월, 2018
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Yasin Ali


The Tizen Wearable Profile was officially introduces from Tizen 2.3.1. But there were Gear Wearable
devices like Gear 1, Gear 2 and Gear S even before Tizen 2.3.1 was released. They were using
Tizen Platform version 2.2.1.x. The latest Tizen Studio does not support development environment
for Platform version less than 2.3.1. Below guide provides you the tips and tricks on how to use
Tizen Studio to make modification for your app which supports legacy Gear devices.


Hope it will help you.
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houssain elbou

The GearS is indeed no supported for developing native apps... I followed the steps bu Im stuck at point C where I need to change the current version to 2.2. it doensnt give me any option?