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Embryo script in a edje file

I have two questions:

  1.  Using a public array (e.g. public g_arr[5]) returns an error. Is there a way to walkaround that. I mean to have a global array in the 'script' part of an 'group' section of an edje file?
  2. There is an 'Edje list calls' part in one of the edje file's documentations (e.g. https://review.tizen.org/git/?p=framework/uifw/edje.git;a=blob;f=data/include/edje.inc;h=dfa541606991f612bc838d35514b4c903fb31979;hb=HEAD) with functions like:
    native       append_int (id, v);
    native       prepend_int(id, v);
    How the edje lists can be used in a edje file? How to get a working 'id'?

    Thank you for your help.