result | Construct (const Tizen::Base::String *pContentPath) |
This mothod does not work. It has compability issue in sdk 2.0
[E_INVALID_ARG] The contentPath should start with /Media or /Storagecard/Media(/opt/usr/media/Camera/20130629_204749.jpg).
So it only works with bada media path and does not work with tizen media path
Has it been solved in sdk 2.1 or upcoming 2.2?
The idea is to use the Camera appControl to capture image and then get the image content info for futher editing/moving/deleting..
void MyApp::OnAppControlCompleteResponseReceived( const AppId &appId, const Tizen::Base::String &operationId, const Tizen::App::AppCtrlResult appControlResult, const Tizen::Base::Collection::IMap* pResultList) {
String *pImageSource = (String*) pResultList->GetValue( String(L"path"));
ImageContentInfo imageContentInfo; result r = imageContentInfo.Construct( pImageSource->GetPointer()); //Here it will fail