언어 설정

Tizen Studio Extension SDK

 I want to apply the KnoxTizenWearable to Tizen Studio.

 I view the following Guide Document and complete the Installation of the KnoxTizenWearable SDK through the Package Manager.
(https://seap.samsung.com/html-docs/tizen-wearable/Default.htm#To install Samsung KNOX Tizen Standard SDK.htm%3FTocPath%3D_____3)

However, you have added the <mdm.h > header to use the KNOX API, but there is an error in the " Unresolved inclusion <mdm.h> " error.

I checked the project's properties-> tizen setting-> framework, but I do not see "knoxattestation-sdk", "knoxcustom-sdk", "mdm-sdk"

Please provide a solution.

Edited by: 재규 신 on 03 1월, 2017


1 댓글
Mango Bar

Expand  "Includes" folder of your project directory (check carefully,  not inc folder). I marked "Includes" folder of my project for your convenience in the following screenshot. Then go to the first path location of your PC and check whether "mdm.h" header exists or not.


Normally "mdm.h" header file exists in (location path .. / wearable-2.3.2-device.core/usr/include) folder.

I am guessing "mdm.h" header file doesn't exists in your location path (location path../wearable-2.3.2-emulator.core/usr/include).

If it does't exists there, copy "mdm.h" header file  from (location path .. / wearable-2.3.2-device.core/usr/include) and paste that  file to

(location path../wearable-2.3.2-emulator.core/usr/include) folder.

Now restart your tizen IDE and Run your code. Hopefully it will solve "mdm.h" header missing error.