타이젠 2.4에 관심을 가지고 공부 중인 학생입니다.
타이젠 2.4 빌드 중 아래와같이 에러가 발생되어, 도움 요청합니다.
~/bin/repo init -u ssh://hongjh809@review.tizen.org:29418/scm/manifest -b tizen_2.4 -m mobile.xml
위와같이 타이젠 2.4 전체 소스를 다운 받았습니다.
sync 후에, 이와같이(gbs build -A armv7l --threads=4 --clean-once --exclude=${accel_pkgs},filesystem,aul,libmm-sound,libtool,tct-behavior-tests) 타이젠을 빌드 중 에러가 발생되었습니다.
< 에러 내용 >---------------------------------------------------------
info: generate repositories ...
info: start building packages from: /home/test/Tizen_2.4/sdk (git)
2016-05-03 03:55 -0700
gbs 0.24
info: prepare sources...
info: retrieving repo metadata...
info: parsing package data...
warning: emuld: build arch not compatible: i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon
warning: model-config-emulator: build arch not compatible: armv4l armv5l armv6l armv7l armv4b armv5l armv5b armv5el armv5eb armv5tel armv5teb armv6hl armv6el armv6eb armv7el armv7eb armv7hl armv7nhl armv8el armv4l armv5l armv6l armv7l armv4b armv5l armv5b armv5el armv5eb armv5tel armv5teb armv6hl armv6el armv6eb armv7el armv7eb armv7hl armv7nhl armv8el armv4l armv5l armv6l armv7l armv4b armv5l armv5b armv5el armv5eb armv5tel armv5teb armv6hl armv6el armv6eb armv7el armv7eb armv7hl armv7nhl armv8el
warning: emulator-kernel: build arch not compatible: i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon
warning: vmodemd-emul: build arch not compatible: i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon
warning: system-plugin-emulator: build arch not compatible: i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon
warning: alsa-scenario-scn-data-0-emul: build arch not compatible: i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon
warning: emulator-yagl: build arch not compatible: i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon
info: building repo metadata ...
info: resolving skipped packages ...
info: package dependency resolving ...
info: *** Build Status Summary ***
=== the following packages failed to build due to missing build dependencies (4) ===
nothing provides pkgconfig(dlog)
nothing provides pkgconfig(devman_plugin)
nothing provides pkgconfig(pthread-stubs)
nothing provides pkgconfig(libdrm)
nothing provides pkgconfig(libtbm)
nothing provides pkgconfig(glib-2.0)
nothing provides pkgconfig(gobject-2.0)
nothing provides pkgconfig(vconf)
nothing provides pkgconfig(dlog)
nothing provides pkgconfig(nfc-common-lib)
nothing provides pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0)
nothing provides pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0)
nothing provides pkgconfig(glib-2.0)
=== Total succeeded built packages: (0) ===
info: generated html format report:
info: generated RPM packages can be found from local repo:
info: generated source RPM packages can be found from local repo:
info: build logs can be found in:
info: build roots located in:
error: <gbs>some packages failed to be built
> gbs.conf----------------------------------------------------------------
profile = profile.tizen_2.4_mobile
gbs.conf에 문제가 있는 것으로 보이나, 정확한 원인을 알지 못하여서 혹시 원인을 확인 할 수있을까해서 문의드렸습니다.
혹은, gbs.conf 문제가 아니라면, 혹시 다른 어떤 곳이 문제 일지 확인 부탁드립니다.