We reguarly get issues from Shaka player that are specific to certain firmware versions.
For instance we are seeing this issue.
SHAKA_ERROR_3015 - Code: 3015 Category: 3 Severity: 2 [{"stack":"Error: Failed to execute 'appendBuffer' on 'SourceBuffer': The HTMLMediaElement.error attribute is not null.
But only on firmware versions.
We have quite a few Samsung TV's for testing but its impossible to have all the TV's with certain firmware versions.
What do people do to find bugs on a certain firmware as I am not aware of anyway to update the firmware on a certain model of TV.
Any suggestions or pointers would be great?
Ok I think I have resolved this myself so I will give info and leave the question here.
You can update the firmware via usb using this guide.
search 2021_TV_firmware_Upgrade_Instruction_T-NKLADEUC.pdf
The firmware version I had is a specific version for the UK T-NKLADEUC-2101.0 you can get the locale through the webapi webapis.productinfo.getLocalSet()
The two firmware versions listed above are based in the US T-NKLAAKUC so its more than likely my device has the same issue but its not listed as all our analytics are pulled from the US.