
Lateral Navigation in a Native Application

I'm transitioning over from web development to native development on wearable. 

I'm trying to figure out how to construct the UI interaction where there are two or more views available and a user can go from one to the other using the rotary device. I know how to receive rotary events, but I'm not sure how the UI should be composed. I haven't been able to find any code examples of this being used. I was hoping that someone could point me to one or describe a hierarchy of controls and what calls I would need to make on them to transition from one view to another. 




1 Replies
Yasin Ali


I think, you need to use Naviframe( (e.g., with tabs).
An example can be found here(

There is a sample with similar concept. You may look through it.
 Open Tizen Studio -> File -> New -> Tizen Project -> Sample ->
    Wearable v3.0 -> Next -> Native Application -> UI -> (Circle) UI Components
   After running this application check PageControl.
   Another sample application similar is (Rectangle) UI Components
   Check corresponding code for implementation.

Hope it will help.