
Form not getting back key press event

Hi All,

I am facing a different issue, i have a application which is ported from bada to tizen.

In this application i have 3 different forms. 

When i add FormBackKeyListener to the MainForm it works fine, but when navigate to other forms and come back to main form the MainForm is not getting BackKeyEvent.

Please suggest me what might be causing the problem.

Edited by: Mohan krishna on 06 Feb, 2014


1 Replies
Alex Ashirov


The OnFormBackRequested() is called for the currently active form. If other than the MainForm is currently active then the MainForm don't get the event. So, you need to implement Tizen::Ui::Controls::IFormBackEventListener interface for each of 3 forms. Or add some base class for them which will implement the interface.