Native Application Development

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[Solved] OpenAL and power consumption
Updated by Andre Rudlaff 14 Mar 2017 18:27 English
3 0
javascript with native app
Updated by Rodolfo Ruiz 12 Mar 2017 17:08 English
3 1
Initializing a Evas_object type struct in tizen
Updated by Mark Stoge 12 Mar 2017 14:33 English
2 0
Create Tizen project with cmake and ninja ?
Updated by Zhivko Vasilev 12 Mar 2017 11:30 English
2 0
Do I need to evas_object_del all items in a layout?
Updated by James B 10 Mar 2017 08:01 English
3 0
Put labels and input text field in a popup
Updated by Carlos Dominguez 09 Mar 2017 08:17 English
2 0
Does anybody know why the (Circle) UI Components / src / index.c works at all?
Updated by James B 09 Mar 2017 01:25 English
1 1
Is DBUS API allowed in the Samsung Store
Updated by James B 08 Mar 2017 10:39 English
2 1
Is popen allowed in Samsung Store
Updated by James B 08 Mar 2017 10:38 English
2 1
How to get application, SIM, IDFA & APN info?
Updated by Anup DSouza 08 Mar 2017 02:16 English
3 0