
How to use network proxy for web runtime

I have some widgets need access Internet to run and it need use network proxy, I add the netwrok proxy to /etc/profile and /etc/enviroment, but it deosn't work in this single way. Anyone know how to configure it?The wiget contents are very simple, it contains the config.xml and custom.png, config.xml as following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<widget id="" xmlns="" xmlns:tizen="">
  <access origin="*"/>
  <icon src="custom.png" height="123" width="123"/>
  <tizen:application id="wrt2apc001.ApplicationContent" package="wrt2apc001" required_version="2.1"/>
  <tizen:content src="" />


2 Replies
muditha murthy
qiongfang xiong

No, I'm not using the emulator but a real device with wired cable.  http_proxy works with set it to /etc/sysconfig/wrt so it works to access via http, but https proxy doesn't works