언어 설정

Native App Development Problem


Hello everyone,

I am planning to build an application but I am not knowing that what programming languages can be useful for constructing it?

Please tell me about the useful technologies that can fit best in it and correct me if I am somewhere wrong.




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Raghav Khanna

What you what to know?

Your question is quite unclear. Do you want to know which application will be the best fit for? Like you  have a business, startup or what?

Slawek Kowalski

You can choose between Web app (javascript) and Native app (Ansi C) programming. Now it depends on you what is better for your project or your skills.


jay arora


Hello Ashwarya,

If you had mentioned exactly what type of app you want to build, that would be easy for me to explain what sort of framework you should choose for developing your application. But still, I am mentioning some frameworks here that helps one to create web applications-

1. JavaScript-

Java Script is a multi-paradigm language that supports object-oriented and functional programming. It is maybe not quite a language that's primarily employed for program development; however, also terminology that is run by browsers and even used to control and develop web pages. To use Java Script for developing a mobile app if it is used with CSS, HTML, and AJAX. The crucial single aspect which produces apps on JavaScript smooth is the fact that you have to code the program once, and it could be published on most of the platforms, for example, Android, iOS, and Windows.

2. PHP-

PHP is an open-source scripting language that was developed from the calendar year 1995 for websites. Now, however, its usage has been found by the terminology longer in overall purpose creation. PHP is used for programming programs, also for server-side Mailbox, command line. Mainly a language, PHP is utilized to make websites. However, it may also be utilized to develop i-OS and even android apps. PHP being a terminology, will be able to allow you to create web software, sites, and also all sorts of apps that are cellular too.

3. Swift-

Considered as the programming language of their future,'' Swift is the most current programming language to earn their way also it is majorly on paper the code to Apple's latest APIs, because of its prevalence, Cocoa contact, and Cocoa. The terminology was launched for its systems, i-OS, and also Linux. Swift has emerged to be used in iOS's growth and osx, thereby changing Objective C to an extent. Swift is readily available for I-OS development since it is open source and functions on Linux; anyone can use it.

4. Java-

Probably one of the absolute most popular and preferred formats among android application developers, Java may be that the terminology on the internet hunt engines all over the globe for your calendar year. It is the flexibility that's used while reusing the code or while upgrading the software. Java might not be of much use when you are developing iOS advancement but still is of special price and convenience while developing programs. Java could be utilized smoothly to develop server programs android apps, free programs, embedded space, big data technology, scientific apps, sites, and game titles.

Slawek Kowalski

PHP, Swift and Java are not available on Tizen platform.