언어 설정

To check logs in tizen studio

To check logs in tizen studio
In tizen studio, I am using device manager to check logs, and I am doing a test to disconnect and reconnect the wifi.
Once the wifi is disconnected, the device manager will not be able to check the logs.

Is there any way to check the logs at this time?
Thank you.

tizen studio에서 로그 확인 방법
tizen studio에서 device manager로 로그를 확인하면서 개발을 하고 있는데, wifi를 끊었다가 다시 붙는 테스트를 하는 데,
일단 wifi가 끊어지면 device manager에서 로그를 확인할 수 없게 됩니다. 이 때 로그를 확인하는 방법이 없을 까요?



1 댓글

it is depends on what platform you are working on.

if you platform allows debug USB or Ethernet, you can use them to get debug messages.

If it is not allow debug USB or Ethernet like wearable devices, you should write down the log into files and retrieve them later.

good luck.