
유니티에서 discover target에서의 설정 방법 문의 드립니다.

유니티 PlayerSettings에서 Publishing Settings > Deployment Target에서 SDK root folder 위치를 찾길래 잘몰라서 아무거나 선택했더니 Discover Tizen에서 아무것도 안떠서 유니티 Preferences > External Tools > Tizen Studio Location에서 다시 설정 되길래 다시 하려는데 확인을 눌러도 계속 SDK root folder를 선택하라고 뜹니다. 무얼 선택해야하는지 정확히 좀 알려주세요.


1 Replies
Iqbal Hossain


  1. In the Unity Editor, go to File > Build settings….
  2. Switch to the Tizen platform.
  3. Ensure that Development build is checked.
  4. Next click on Player Settings.
  5. Under Publishing Setting enter the name of the signing profile that you created in the Tizen IDE. If you didn’t give it a custom name or rename it in the IDE, then you should enter “default”.
  6. Click the Build and Run button. Unity makes the game for you and deploys it to the device. The game then starts up on the device.

On Publishing Settings:

* Make sure that on deployment target your device id is shown as per image. You have to click on Discover button to confirm it.

* And check your Signing Profile Name on Tize IDE and compare it with this setting, If doesn't match changed it in Unity Player Settings. 



On Other Settings:

* Make sure your Build Identifier is matched with your package name.

* If all the things are okay, then click on Build and Run. 

