
Unity App running on emulator but not on device

Hi, I've succesfully compiled my Tizen Game with and it runs well on emulator.

  • Mac Unity 5.5.2
  • Tizen 2.4

But I got an answer from the Validation process that it don't even launch. Resuming the attached logging I found several error messages:

  • dlopen failed(/opt/usr/apps/com.Hekatombe.Canica/bin/canicagame: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory). Please complile with -fPIE and link with -pie flag
  • process launched, but cmdline not changed
  • not found ppi : com.Hekatombe.Canica

I've tried on Samsung Remote Test Lab and I got similar errors...

What else I could do? Thanks for helping

WARNING|03-17 21:36:43.808|11468|11468||AUL|launch.c: app_request_to_launchpad(396) > request cmd(0) to(com.Hekatombe.Canica)
INFO|03-17 21:36:43.818|631|631||AUL|menu_db_util.h: _get_app_info_from_db_by_apppath(242) > path : launch_app, ret : 0
ERROR|03-17 21:36:43.828|631|631||AUL_AMD|amd_launch.c: _start_app(2499) > no caller appid info, ret: -1
ERROR|03-17 21:36:43.828|631|631||AUL_AMD|amd_appinfo.c: appinfo_get_value(1296) > appinfo get value: Invalid argument, 19
WARNING|03-17 21:36:43.828|631|631||AUL_AMD|amd_launch.c: _start_app(2508) > caller pid : 11468
INFO|03-17 21:36:43.828|631|631||AUL|menu_db_util.h: _get_app_info_from_db_by_apppath(242) > path : launch_app, ret : 0
WARNING|03-17 21:36:43.838|2328|2328||AUL_PAD|launchpad.c: __launchpad_main_loop(520) > Launch on type-based process-pool
WARNING|03-17 21:36:43.838|631|631||AUL_AMD|amd_launch.c: _start_app(3052) > pad pid(-5)
ERROR|03-17 21:36:43.838|749|749||RESOURCED|block.c: block_prelaunch_state(134) > insert data com.Hekatombe.Canica, table num : 6
ERROR|03-17 21:36:43.838|749|749||RESOURCED|heart-memory.c: heart_memory_get_data(601) > hashtable heart_memory_app_list is NULL
WARNING|03-17 21:36:43.838|2328|2328||AUL_PAD|launchpad.c: __send_result_to_caller(267) > Check app launching
ERROR|03-17 21:36:43.848|11098|11098||AUL_PAD|launchpad_loader.c: main(703) > dlopen failed(/opt/usr/apps/com.Hekatombe.Canica/bin/canicagame: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory). Please complile with -fPIE and link with -pie flag
ERROR|03-17 21:36:43.938|2328|2328||AUL_PAD|launchpad.c: __send_result_to_caller(314) > process launched, but cmdline not changed
ERROR|03-17 21:36:43.938|631|631||AUL|amd_app_group.c: app_group_start_app(1037) > app_group_start_app
ERROR|03-17 21:36:43.938|2328|2328||AUL_PAD|launchpad.c: __send_result_to_caller(282) > error founded when being launched with 11098
ERROR|03-17 21:36:43.938|2328|2328||AUL_PAD|launchpad.c: __send_result_to_caller(284) > The app process might be terminated while we are wating 11098
WARNING|03-17 21:36:43.938|631|631||AUL|app_signal.c: aul_send_app_launch_request_signal(423) > send_app_launch_signal, pid: 11098, appid: com.Hekatombe.Canica
ERROR|03-17 21:36:43.948|749|749||RESOURCED|proc-main.c: proc_add_program_list(237) > not found ppi : com.Hekatombe.Canica
WARNING|03-17 21:36:43.948|11468|11468||AUL|launch.c: app_request_to_launchpad(425) > request cmd(0) result(11098)
INFO|03-17 21:36:44.059|866|866||QUICKPANEL|MobileDataQuickBtnControl.cpp: __isSimInserted(243) > MOBILE DATA SIM CARD: 2 2
ERROR|03-17 21:36:44.059|571|571||VCONF|vconf.c: vconf_get_int(2657) > The type(43) of keynode(db/telephony/sim_power_state1) is not INT
WARNING|03-17 21:36:44.059|863|863||LOCKSCREEN|sim-state.c: __sim_state_flight_mode_changed_cb(146) > [__sim_state_flight_mode_changed_cb:146:W] flight mode changed[0]



1 Replies
Iqbal Hossain


Follow the document to deploy unity app on Tizen device.