
SNS on 2.1b

How can I install SNS in SDK 2.1b?


1. InstallManager didn't work 


2. I download file:

and moved files into \tizen-sdk\platforms\tizen2.1\rootstraps\tizen-emulator-2.1.native\usr\lib and \tizen-sdk\platforms\tizen2.1\rootstraps\tizen-emulator-2.1.native\usr\include; change namespaces to Samsung::SnsGateway and add samsung-snsgateway library into linker - compilaton goes well, but when I'm trying to launch app I got err "05-17 23:36:44.413 : ERROR / Tizen::App ( 2080 : 2080 ) : static int Tizen::App::_AppLifecycleManager::LaunchCallback(int, void*)(902) > Cannot acquire app for 5688.". Probabily there is some problem with shared lib on emu.


Anyone have idea or can paste compilation and lauch log for a SNS App from SDK 2.0?



Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


3 Replies
wil smith
Add-on tools works are confifured for 2.0 SDK only, so installmanager isn't working. I didn't tried the manual copy method... from your logs it looks the problem is around app management. Try debugging the application. Or just give a try on latest SDK 2.1.0
Ben Prendergast
Has anyone found a resolution for this? I had to revert back to 2.0 since SNS doesn't work with the SDK that is currently available.
Maciej Różański
Yep, I've got solution (finally...). In order to solve problem you have to: 1. install SDK 2.1 with SNS extension 2. copy files from \tizen-sdk\platforms\tizen2.0 to \tizen-sdk\platforms\tizen2.1 3. change file tizen-sdk\platforms\tizen2.1\rootstraps\info\samsung-snsgateway-sdk-emulator.xml (and samsung-snsgateway-sdk-device.xml): replace "tizen-emulator-2.0.cpp" to "tizen-emulator-2.1.native" (in second file similarly) 4. in IDE enable sns framework (properties -> c/c++ build -> tizen settings -> framework -> samsung-sns-sdk) 5. done!