
remove text shadow on Button


I create a button and set background image in it. When I set a text, it appears with small black shadow. How can I remove this shadow?

I am using last Tizen SDK 2.2.1. 


5 Replies
Alex Ashirov


You can try to play with Tizen::Ui::Control::SetFont () method for the button.

Alex Dem

I think this shadow is needed to provide the effect of pressing  (If button is pressed there is shadow above the text). In Native UI Builder there is no shadow during constructing.
Also, the issue is not depended from background bmp. But Try to change font like it is proposed by Alex above.

Sergey Lagner

Thank you for answers. I know that the shadow doesn't exist in UI builder, more over it absent on a device with Tizen 2.2. But on Tizen 2.2.1 it looks awful.

I tried to change font, but GetSystemFontListN returns only one available.

If you want to reproduce this behaviour you can create default Tizen App and add background color

    okButton = static_cast< Button* >(GetControl(IDC_BUTTON_OK));

	if (okButton != null)
		okButton->SetColor(BUTTON_STATUS_NORMAL, Color::GetColor(COLOR_ID_BLUE));

Alex Dem

Hi, just fyi:
I have tried to create my own button using UI Customizer but the result is the same (no possibility to configure the shadow).

Alex Ashirov

Hi Sergey,

There is only one font preinstalled on the system TizenSans (you can check this Settings->Display->Font). This behavior (shadows) seems to be system default behavior (specific for 2.2.1) and can’t be changed. Probably later, when additional themes and fonts will be available then these shadows will be customized. BTW, you can also try to play with themes in the manifest file, but I don’t think that this helps.