I am attempting to follow the directions on the samsung gear open source website to build packages for the tizen os. They provide a tar file with a linux system within it. I don't understand what the instructions want me to do as I am a relative newbie to linux. Any advice on how to complete the steps on an Ubuntu 14..02 box working with the gear 2. Ideally I would like to modify the source to allow root access so I can access the bluetooth stack to have it interact with non-samsung bluetooth devices with the Tizen SDK.
Included Build Instructions with Source
System requirement (Strongly recommended)
* OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or newer.
Installing Development Tools in Ubuntu
* Open the source list by using text editor.
$ sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
* Add Tizen tools repository to the source list.
deb http://download.tizen.org/tools/latest-release/Ubuntu_12.04 /
* Resynchronize the package index files from the sources specified in the source list by executing the following command:
$ sudo apt-get update
* Install a development tool by executing the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install gbs
Build root strap setup
* Download build rootstrap and unpack into home directory // This is where I don't understand what to do here?
$ sudo tar xfz {build rootstrap name} --same-owner
* Change root to the build rootstrap
$ sudo chroot standard-armv7l
Change account to abuild
$ su abuild
Building a package
Source packages are in the /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SRPMS
* Build a package with rpmbuild
$ cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SRPMS
$ rpmbuild --rebuild {src.rpm name}
* You can find binary rpms in /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS
Install a package
rpm -ivh {src.rpm name}
if {src.rpm name} is already installed : rpm -ivh --force {src.rpm name}