I have a large project on Samsung Z3 phone (project ported from Android platform with native code). Project can run on Z3 but i have a random crash with signal abort. When app crash i get the dump file from device and it show the stack trace as below:
Callstack Information (PID:2995)
Call Stack Count: 5
0: gsignal + 0x34 (0xb4f72b44) [/usr/lib/libc-2.20-2014.11.so] + 0x2bb44
1: abort + 0x284 (0xb4f74030) [/usr/lib/libc-2.20-2014.11.so] + 0x2d030
2: __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler() + 0xd4 (0xb514bf39) [/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.20] + 0x49f39
3: (0xb514a971) [/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.20] + 0x48971
4: (0xb514a9c7) [/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.20] + 0x489c7
End of Call Stack
This stack trace is not useful for me to get back the crash issues from the source code, because all thing point to libc.
So how i can get more information from that? (ex: where did my call call to libstdc++ and make it crash)
My app using multi thread and the crash goes from worker thread (not main thread, as i show from gdb debugger)
I tried to debug app under gdb (using tizen studio), but it get the same stack as in device report
I tried set address breakpoint on 0xb514a9c7 but gdb get exception with this.
Looking for all you help