Native Application Development

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Reading two different sensors and logging their data
Updated by Joao Sanc 16 Apr 2018 23:47 English
3 0
Samsung Certificate?
Updated by Gabel Schneider 11 Apr 2018 19:34 English
1 0
List in a popup
Updated by Ivan Gualandri 11 Apr 2018 14:28 English
1 0
Updated by Mick Caberos 11 Apr 2018 10:49 English
1 0
Sensors in sleep mode
Updated by Fanny Huang 10 Apr 2018 11:06 English
12 4
Bluetooth audio connect
Updated by Subhodip Mandal 10 Apr 2018 03:04 English
4 1
Bluetooth Client
Updated by Andrea Agostini 09 Apr 2018 04:50 English
2 0
Long click on a button
Updated by Ivan Gualandri 08 Apr 2018 22:45 English
3 0
Click/tap on label
Updated by Ivan Gualandri 05 Apr 2018 14:02 English
4 0
Failed to include curl.h
Updated by Gregory Shtrasberg 04 Apr 2018 05:30 English
2 0