Native Application Development

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How can i read the microphone input?
Updated by Sunny shah 17 Mar 2014 14:31 English
1 0
Cannot change EditDate title after construction
Updated by Zoltan Puski 17 Mar 2014 14:31 English
1 0
how to write / read file in Tizen
Updated by Blue Shell 17 Mar 2014 14:31 English
1 0
How to switch b/w Forms
Updated by 17 Mar 2014 14:31 English
1 0
SDL2 support?
Updated by Giorgos Sarris 17 Mar 2014 14:31 English
1 0
Newbie needs support
Updated by Nitin Srivastava 17 Mar 2014 14:31 English
12 0
ArrayList in SDK 2.1 NOT Working!
Updated by 17 Mar 2014 14:31 English
5 0
Qt for Tizen initiative started
Updated by Jarosław Staniek 17 Mar 2014 14:30 English
3 0
Problem with certification and privilege detection
Updated by Gordon Gordon 17 Mar 2014 14:30 English
3 0
App runs on emulator but rejected by certification team
Updated by Vandersteene 17 Mar 2014 14:30 English
4 0