
What apps or games have you submitted into the Tizen App Challenge?

Now that the contest is over, what kind of apps or games have you submitted into the contest?

I tried to make a solitaire arena multiplayer game in html5 with createjs, but it's not yet finish, I still have some crashes in the game :( so no app registered into the Challenge from me.

What about the rest of you? What great apps or game have you developer for Tizen? :D


16 Replies
Paul Metral

One game : a mix of adventure (platform) and arcade


But I failed (as mentionned in my topic) : i gave package ID instead of content id --'

Adrian Popescu

Write to them using the e-mail address specified in the rules (

Paul Metral

Thank you dude, was looking for this email adress all the morning --'

Adrian Popescu

Good luck!


I'm making a space arcade game with GMS. But I haven't finished yet, so I didn't submit any app or game. :(

Adrian Popescu

What is GMS?


GameMaker Studio, from YoYoGames. A nice software to make 2D game for multi-platform but not good at optimizing.

What program you are using for your development? Cocos2D?

Marco Buettner

I submitted some utilities apps and one lifestyle app.

Paweł Huber

Action game, but it's rather a prototype than a full game... but still it's something :D will keep working on it

Arnaud Dagnelies

I wanted to submit that:

But their browser / web engine keeps crashing without reason when running it. So my submission failed. Too bad.

Adrian Popescu

What framework/game engine have you used?

Arnaud Dagnelies

haxe / createjs

John Ixion

very nice, sorry to hear you have problems with it

Vadim Lopatin

Cool Reader - ebook reader, native app, ported from Android.


John Ixion

great app, will be very useful :)

Cristian Loloiu

I've made an app which tells you your exact location and shows a map with you on that map (but you also have the option to move the map and pick another location near you). And you have the option to send your location to your friends via SMS/e-mail/facebook. So, if you go out in town and find a great restaurant or pub, you can send your friends a message saying "Hey! I found a nice restaurant! Let's meet here tonight and have dinner!" with the exact location of the restaurant on the map. Or you can post this on Facebook and invite all your friends to a party!

Or, if you visit a foreign country and you don't know the language of that country (maybe the street names are in Chinese or Russian) and you wanna tell a friend your current location so he can come and pick you up, you can open the app and send him an sms/e-mail with your exact location. To see your location on the map, your friend do not need to have the app installed or to have a Tizen device, works with any phone.