tizen ivi on atom has usb camera(tested with uvccapture /dev/video0).
lauching camera app shows "Unable to launch camera".
From command line /usr/apps/org.tizen.camera-app/bin/camera lauched the app and was working fine.
Not on reboot it is also not launching from command line. Here is the log,
sh-4.1# /usr/apps/org.tizen.camera-app/bin/camera
ERR<1925>:ecore_con ecore_con_dns.c:157 ecore_con_info_init() resconf_open: No such file or directory
appcore: sf_check_rotation failed: -1
appcore: sf_check_rotation failed: -1
(mmcamcorder:1925): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_caps_get_structure: assertion `index < caps->structs->len' failed
(mmcamcorder:1925): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:2455: signal `nego-complete' is invalid for instance `0xb8b54108'
(mmcamcorder:1925): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:2455: signal `still-capture' is invalid for instance `0xb8b54108'
ERR<1925>:evas_main evas_object_smart.c:749 evas_object_smart_need_recalculate_set() Object 0xaf65c000 is not stable during recalc loop
ERR<1925>:evas_main evas_object_smart.c:749 evas_object_smart_need_recalculate_set() Object 0xaf65c000 is not stable during recalc loop
ERR<1925>:elementary elm_widget.c:3403 elm_widget_type_check() Passing Object: 0xb8b47d10 in function: elm_layout_edje_get, of type: '(unknown)' when expecting type: 'elm_layout'