I've tried installing Tizen Studio on multiple platforms, and I'm having issues on all of them:
- on macOS it crashes on startup, regardless of the JDK used (I've tried both JDK 11 and JDK 8), trying to launch it via terminal shows the prompt to install java 1.6 or newer (Note: all other software based on java works, my JAVA_HOME is set and 'java' executable is on my path)
- on Windows I am able to install and run Tizen Studio with JDK 1.8.0_202, however when trying to start emulator manager the software crashes with "Exception: com/sun/jna/Native", so I'm unable to create a virtual device
I've also tried installing the studio on Linux machine, however since I'm not using Ubuntu I'm unable to do so. The most recent post on installing on other distributions is from 2013 and is severly outdated.
Is there any way of installing the development kit on another Linux distribution (I don't necessarily need the studio, I could work with other IDEs/editors)?
How can I fix the emulator manager on windows?
Is there any way to run on JDK 11?