
IFA 2013 in Berlin, soon...

German event in Berlin this year...

Dear Samsung, dear Intel, dear other Tizen OEMs and Operators and Developers.

Is Tizen present on this Event?

Any hints, rumours or ... any ideaS?


Or is Germany not target 2013/2014...

As I can't see only 5 countries in :


Thanx in advance.

Best Regards

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


18 Replies
Marco Buettner
I dont believe, that Samsung will show any tizen smartphones their. I hope for a Samsung Developer Day like last year, but this will not tizen only and tizen specific maybe it will talk something about that. Last year Samsung Developer Day was focus on Android and the Samsung Frameworks like AllShare, ChatON and so. Bada wasnt a topic. So I think same will when on a Samsung Developer Day.
Peter Wegner
If Developer day, then maybe Samsung could give Tizen test devices to Tizen Developer... Maybe then more german Tizen Developers... Maybe also Developer need test device for Tizen App Challenge... Best Regards
Marco Buettner
I dont think that.
Peter Wegner
Gibts echt nur 3 dt. Tizen Entwickler? Keinen den es interessieren würde, wenn es die Möglichkeit gebe. Das es Testgeräte auf der IFA gebe? Und wenn nur hinter verschlossener Tür wäre und per Einladung... IFA ist ja solang nicht mehr bis hin... MfG
Marco Buettner
Why you guess it should be only three germans developer? I think its develop more german for tizen than three! I don't think that you will get test device on IFA, how come? You can everytime contact your Samsung branch in your country and also you can contact infrastructure managers of Linux Foundation/Tizen Assocation. Maybe it could help to move your own ass. If Samsung should hold a developer day, you will now it as soon as possible. Currently it doesnt look like a developer day and also a developer day isn't platform specific.
Peter Wegner
Also ich weiß nicht genau, wie die damals bei bada zu den Testgeräten gekommen sind... S8500, S8600 und S7250 wurden bei Ddays an den Mann gebracht... auch. Ich sehe nur einen von 3 hier schreiben. :) Außerdem besteht ja logistisch durchaus die Chance auf der IFA was auf die Beine zu stellen, so man denn wollte... Man könnte ja auch ein Gewinnspiel machen oder weiß der Geier was... Du weißt doch das ich nicht Programmiere... wieso sollte ich dann also per Brief oder Email betteln... Auf der IFA würde ich mich sogar nett zu Samsung oder Intel oder wer auch immer was mit Tizen auf die Beine stellt... "arrangieren"... Ich bleibe dabei. 3 dt. Tizen Devs, momentan... :) MfG
Marco Buettner
I never saw S8600 and S7250 on bada developer days.... Only S8500 on the first bada devdays in 2010 and the S8600 on Samsung bada Pioneers Club for german developers. But not on official devdays. And not on Samsung DevDays. And on Tizen Conference you always get a device :) If Samsung start a event to IFA you will hear early enough :) But currently it doesn't look like that and on the last developer day to the IFA devices was only able to winning on a tombola. And you think that all developer written here? Than bada has also only 3 german developer ;) If I check the forum :)
Peter Wegner
Grins. Du weißt schon wie das gemeint ist... Anderen ist es scheinbar auch nicht total easy, wo sie ein Testgerät herbekommen... IFA wäre vor meiner Haustür. :) Mit einer Tombola könnte ich wenigstens was anfangen... Ein Versuch ist es ja Wert, zumindest daran zu erinnern das IFA ja ne Idee wäre... und eventuell nicht nur für mich interessant. MfG
Marco Buettner
Like I wrote in this topic, they can try to contact Samsung and/or Brian Warner from Linux Foundation. Maybe it helps ;) I will also like if Samsung/Intel or whoever start a Developer Day or something like that during the IFA, but currently and doesn't look like something in this way.
Peter Wegner Little example. :) Why not possible with Tizen... :( Best Regards
Marco Buettner
Because tizen isn't finished yet.
John Ixion
Archos is not a Tizen Association member btw
Peter Wegner
Its an example about announce something in 2013 for IFA in Berlin... If you have any kind of Tizen infos for IFA 2013 in September, you are welcome. About Tizen I can't find any usefull release dates... or presentations. Sorry, I am from Germany. So events in Germany are better for me... MWC in 2014 is not far... but without any announcements... @ Marco Sehr witzig... Ist das Dein Forum? Und was ist an Tizen nicht fertig? Warum nicht? Und wieso antwortest Du? Short translation. Fank you very much Marco. :)
Marco Buettner
Tizen isn't ready in performance, functionally and drsign issues. So it makes no sense to discuss about the status for consumer at the moment.
Peter Wegner
Today I was here... on IFA. But nothing found about Tizen... :( Best Regards
Peter Wegner Or maybe I was blind and asked not the right person on IFA... Best Regards
Marco Buettner
You aren't blind, Tizen isn't on IFA :)
Peter Wegner



Maybe this year something about Tizen...


Maybe TV or maybe washing machine or maybe Gear or maybe Tizen Cam...

Maybe also good time to release new SDK... to leave Beta status for gears...

Maybe developer devices like Z or Z9005 or old RD-PQ...


Ich könnte vorbeikommen.

Frue mich über jedes Lebenszeichen... was wie ein Tizen Handy aussieht.


Best Regards