Hi Guys,
I am wondering if there is any way to configure the Gyroscope Sensor Sampling Rate/Frequency. It seems Gyroscope Sensor's Frequecy/Sampling Rate is too slow compared to Accelerometer Sensor Sampling Rate. I am using Gear2 watch.
I got the Gyroscope and Acceleormeter Sensor Data as the following way:
window.addEventListener('devicemotion', function(e) { ax = e.accelerationIncludingGravity.x; ay = -e.accelerationIncludingGravity.y; az = -e.accelerationIncludingGravity.z; rotx = e.rotationRate.alpha; roty = e.rotationRate.beta; rotz = e.rotationRate.gamma; document.getElementById("xaccel").innerHTML = 'AccX : ' + ax; document.getElementById("yaccel").innerHTML = 'AccY : ' + ay; document.getElementById("zaccel").innerHTML = 'AccZ : ' + az; document.getElementById("rotx").innerHTML = 'Rot X : ' + rotx; document.getElementById("roty").innerHTML = 'Rot Y : ' + roty; document.getElementById("rotz").innerHTML = 'Rot Z : ' + rotz; });
I appreciate any help or idea. Thanks :-)