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Measuring performance in Tizen multimedia applications


One of the most important issues in multimedia and game programming for any platform is the ability to measure the performance of your code on devices. You can do it by using diagnostic tools like profiling managers  (for example in the Google Chrome browser) or by using third party libraries dedicated to the measurement of efficiency.

Canvas2D mobile web game development – implementation


Before reading this article we recommend you to get familiar with the “Canvas2D mobile web game development – basics” where we introduced Canvas 2D API along with concepts of the game loop and the adaptive game loop. We also shortly described a basic web game architecture. A class diagram for sample application - Earth Guard - was presented. That’s why we recommend you to start with the previous article.

Canvas2D mobile web game development – basics


The main aim of this article is to get you familiar with the mobile web game development on Tizen platform. I want to show you that basic knowledge of Canvas 2D API and good game architecture is sufficient to create a fully working version of HTML5 game on Tizen. Sample application – Earth Guard 0.0.1 attached to this article is compatible with Tizen SDK 2.0.0 public release.