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Using TypeScript in Tizen projects.



The Web is developing very quickly and new standards are being all the time adopted into the browsers. As through the past years we have seen lots of changes in the web browsers and web engines, the same happened to the language that propels them. JavaScript is changing also. A new standard has shown up – ECMASCRIPT 6. But not all browsers support it completely. Therefore few years ago we have been introduced with a language called TypeScript. Which is a typed superset of the JavaScript language and is supported by all browser engines.

Creating PIXI.js filters using WebGL


PIXI.js 3.0 is a great library for creating 2d canvas games and animations. It's one of the most used canvas renderers over the Web. It also supports WebGL rendering, thanks to which most of the operations are executed by GPU instead of CPU. It comes with a nice filters feature that has great possibilites and is quite easy to use and extend. In this article we will focus on describing how to create a custom filter using Fragment shaders.